런던한인회는 비영리 단체로서 회원간의 친목을 도모하며, 이민생활에서 일어나는 어려운 제반문제들을 돕고 의논한다.
The Korean Society of London Ontario Canada, as a non-profit organization, promotes friendship among its members, helps and discusses difficult problems in immigrant life.
교민사회의 복지 및 지위향상에 기여함과 동시에, 후세에 전해줄 민족문화의 보전과 타민족과의 친선 및 문화 교류를 통하여 현지 사회와 접목을 기하는데 그 목적을 둔다.
Its foremost purpose is to contribute to Korean residents' welfare improvement and status. The association also focuses on integrating with local society through the preservation of national culture and friendship and cultural exchange with other ethnic groups.
Ambassador 백 선엽 emphasized the necessity of the Korean Association when he visited London, Ontario in 1969. 조성준, 노종진, 김성현, 송세훈, 정혜택, 신병철, 박옥규, 배동범, 김택수, 박용섭, 윤석규, 김영덕, 천광호 held their first meeting and 조성춘 was elected as the first president. Since then, many people have been elected as presidents and the association was registered as a charity organization. The Korean Society of London Ontario Canada has continued to serve as a bridge for the unity and goodwill of Korean residents by receiving government subsidies and hosting various commemorative ceremonies.
There have been several difficulties, but thanks to the wisdom of our seniors, we have overcome them easily. We have now grown and developed as the only organization representing Korean residents in the entire London area.
I would like to convey a message of gratitude and hope to the seniors and juniors who have contributed to the development of the Korean Society of London with numerous volunteering, patience, love, and hope to continue to grow into an organization that exemplifies future generations and the local community.